Greedy for Mulberries

Chrys Salt: 'Greedy for Mulberries'

Greedy for Mulberries by Chrys Salt offers the reader the distillation of a woman’s hunger for life, her belief in humanity, her vulnerability in love, her fears and hopes for the future and her celebration of the past. It refuses consolation, concentrating on the truth of experience and in so doing brings compassion, nobility and joy to life.
(112 pages ) Available from Lulu:
Paperback: £6.93 Download: £3.75

Chrys Salt: What they say ...

..her verse sounds distinctly female, bathed in the female element of language, letting it speak through her....her work will become widely known and loved, popular, because it speaks of past forms in a language so finely tuned it appears natural. Ambit review of Inside Out (Chrys’ first collection)

I love the economy and humour of Chrys Salt’s poetry and the emotional scope of her references. Prunella Scales

Performing with you made even the pangs of stage – fright seem bearable. Cecil Day Lewis

Chrys Salt’s haiku ‘Stuffing tomatoes for Don Paterson’ has left me speechless.....
Don Paterson
